About Josh

Josh McCullough is a talented author, poet, and pastor hailing from Lancaster, PA. His remarkable journey as an author and poet began in 2022 when he unveiled his debut book, "HYGGE: A Poetic Journey Home," which served as a heartfelt memoir chronicling his personal transformation from a state of brokenness to one of profound healing.

Building on the success of his first publication, Josh released his latest collection of poems, entitled "Seasons," during the spring of 2023. This captivating collection showcases Josh's versatility as a writer, as he ventures into the realm of Haiku, infusing his work with a fresh and invigorating style.

In addition to his literary pursuits, Josh is a devoted full-time pastor and visionary. His deep affection for the local church is unwavering, as he firmly believes that it holds the greatest potential for restoring hope to humanity. Influenced by his unwavering faith, much of Josh's creative output is rooted in inspiring individuals to embark on a transformative journey from brokenness towards a wholesome and revitalizing relationship with their creator.

During his leisure time, Josh finds solace in the comforting ambience of coffee shops, where he can soak in the positive vibes and uplifting atmosphere. He also indulges in his love for hiking, relishing the opportunity to immerse himself in the beauty of nature. Josh cherishes the moments spent with his wife, Becca, and their beloved son, Jude, as they create treasured memories together.

To stay connected with Josh's inspiring journey, you can follow him on Instagram, where he shares updates and insights under the handle @iamjoshmccullough.